We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Wellington ain’t dead.
Sure, the weather this summer has been slightly questionable, and the wind clearly isn’t going anywhere but nonetheless the city is as alive as ever.
The summer brings out the best is us all, and sometimes even allows us to bask in the cities cultural ambience.
As the city changes and our street poster network evolves, we’re always looking for ways to increase our engagement within the cities we inhabit, whether thats supporting cultural movements, celebrating art or ensuring that our in house team evolves with the times.
We’re also extremely stoked to announce that we have a new account manager on the ground in Wellington. It’s been a long time coming, and we’re glad we waited.
Ruby O’Neill joins us with a wealth of experience in fashion, retail and as a celebrated artist to continue to grow our footprint in Wellington.
As Ruby is an artist, she had this interview published a while ago, and we feel its a perfect summary of exactly why we wanted her as an account manager in Wellington.
A glimpse into the mindset she will be bringing to the capital city.
Get to know Ruby below, or reach out to her directly at ruby@0800phantom.co.nz.