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Sometimes, you just need to hear a supportive voice

Wellington Samaritans answer a call from someone in need every 22 minutes.

Their mission is straightforward: to reduce suicide. That’s why they offer empathetic, caring and confidential emotional support to anyone who calls in distress. Non-judgemental, non-religious support is available day and night to callers of all backgrounds.

Samaritans receive no direct government funding so they rely on donations and grants to make sure no call for help goes unanswered. For their annual Street Appeal last September, they asked Phantom Billstickers to help spread the word about their suicide prevention campaign.

It was a call we were glad to answer.

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Street posters supporting a street appeal

Wellington Samaritans created a powerful campaign and took it to the streets. With QR codes to help stimulate response, they raised awareness as well as funds. 

People took notice. With Phantom’s help, Wellington Samaritans raised their second-highest amount in their 15-year history of doing street appeals. And so their work continues.

If you would like to donate, contact them now at 

And if you, or anyone you know, ever needs to hear a supportive voice, just pick up the phone and dial 0800 72 66 66. Day or night, 365 days of the year, the Samaritans will be there.

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