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Kiwi Poets

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Cafe Reader 8 – Summer 2015

Short stories, poems and editorial by:
John Dix, Sandra Bell, David Merritt, David Herkt, Ben Brown, Martin Edmond, Shane Hollands, Katy Soljak, George Henderson, Elizabeth Smither, Michael Gould, Jon McLeary, Ngawiki, Allan McEvoy, Janet Frame, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Brittany Travers.

Available for digital download on Kindle and iPad for a small fee on here.

Cover by Hayley Theyers.

Cafe Reader Cover Vol 8

Cafe Reader Vol 7 – Spring 2015

Short stories, poems and editorial by:
Fane Flaws, Celia Mancini, Frankie McMillan, Brett Lupton, Kirsten Warner, Otis Mace, Michael O’Leary, Terence Rissetto, Jay Clarkson, Elizabeth Smither, Jenny Powell, Bill Direen, Graham Brazier, Robert Scott, Nikcy Taylor, Steve McCabe.

Available for digital download on Kindle and iPad for a small fee on here.

Cover by Stuart Page.


Cafe Reader Vol 6 – Winter 2015

Short stories, poems and editorial by:
Garth Cartwright, Katy Soljak, Sam Hunt, Lindsay Rabbitt, Richard Langston, Hinemoana Baker, Shari L Sanahi, Natasha Dennerstein, Peter Olds, Alastair Galbraith, Raewyn Alexander, Ben Browns, Jeremy Roberts, Henry Feltham.

Available for digital download on Kindle and iPad for a small fee on here.

Cover by Hayley Theyers.


Cafe Reader Vol 5 – Autumn 2015

Short stories, poetry and editorial by:
Cliff Fell, Rick Bryant, Patricia Greig, Mike Chunn, Michael O’Leary, Jim Wilson, Sacha Rangasamy, Paul Stephenson, Charley Gray, Rolland McKellar, Harvey Molloy, Kelly Ana Morey, George Henderson.

Available for digital download on Kindle and iPad for a small fee on here.

Cover by Hayley Theyers.



Cafe Reader Vol 4 – Spring 2014

With an introduction by Jim Wilson.

Short stories, poetry and editorial by:
Kristin Hersh, Ben Brown, Nicky Taylor, Bill Direen, Kirsten Warner, Dave Merritt, Mikyla Challies, Martin Edmond, Martin Phillips, Michael Canning, Rob Tuwhare, Jay Clarkson, Roy Smith, John Dix, Janet Frame.

Available for digital download on Kindle and iPad for a small fee on here

Cover by Stuart Page.
