
PhantomPosters 01

A summer sales surge, if you use this hack.

January and February can be dry months (and not just for farmers). By the time the post-Christmas sales are done, many marketers might be tempted to shut up shop. But…
GetInOur 01

Use hands to get inside heads.

The mind-changing power of hand-painted murals. It’s one of the ironies of our age that today’s technology makes it child’s play to transmit billions of images to billions of eyeballs…but…
Humanoid Crocodiles in Wellington

Humanoid Crocodiles in Wellington

Wellington is continuing to be blessed by the sun this summer. Things are heating up in the capital and this week Ahsin Ahsin was on fire at Glover Park. As…
Land of the Long White…Lemonade?

Land of the Long White…Lemonade?

The lemonade stand has a long history dating back 130 years. A symbol of entrepreneurship, and undoubtedly delicious refreshment on a hot summers day. The idea instantly conjures feelings of…
Weigh the Eiffel Tower

Weigh the Eiffel Tower

Weigh the Eiffel Tower. That’s how much paper our Auckland team recycled last year. Phantom runs one of the country’s largest printing operations. Every week we fire up the presses…
The Takeover Part 2 img

The Takeover: Part 2

The Takeover Winners: Part 2 – Auckland. With the continuing rise of the digital age, one thing we can all agree on is that we are bombarded by potential scams,…
Thinking BIG with hand painted posters img

Thinking BIG with hand-painted posters

Here in New Zealand we’ve been working with some insanely talented artists to create one-off murals that support our clients’ campaigns. It’s been fascinating to see how New Yorkers are…
The Takeover

The Takeover

Late last year, we launched a one of a kind competition. Nope, not the data harvesting, Instagram sharing kind that we’ll all unfortunately been accustomed to. Something a little more…
Helluva year, right?

Helluva year, right?

2023, you had your moments. The summer break beckons, with family fun and beach days. But before we say goodbye to 2023, let’s take a moment to look back at…
Embrace your Superfans

Embrace your Superfans

Superfans are the most precious asset any brand (or band) can have. They’re your repeat customers, your ticket buyers and frequent flyers. They’re the 20% of your customer base who…
How to scale (and avoid a fail)

How to scale (and avoid a fail)

Street posters are brilliant for new entrants to a market. With street presence and the ability to dominate a local market, they’re a great way for feisty newcomers to announce…
Summer refreshment for your eyes img

Summer refreshment for your eyes

  It’s been refreshing to see advertisers embrace the potential of street posters as the days grow longer. Coruba, Macs, Panhead, L&P, Zeffer. They all know it makes sense to…
People of Phantom: Courtney Carter

People of Phantom: Courtney Carter

  Auckland-born and bred, Courtney took a 12-week break after the pandemic that turned into a 12-month contract crisscrossing the globe with Emirates. Before that, she successfully launched, built, and…
Phantom X HPA img

Phantom X HPA

The streets are ever-evolving, as such Hand Painted Advertising (HPA) has emerged as a transformative medium, not just for brands but for landlords seeking to enhance the allure of their…
When times are tough, be like Phil Collins

When times are tough, be like Phil Collins

No, we don’t mean practicing the drums and crooning your pop-soul compositions (unless you really want to). We’re talking about having the vision to reach beyond your original loyal audience.…
Slip, slop, slap up a poster!

Slip, slop, slap up a poster!

Be well covered when the sun comes out. The Kiwi summer calls for some essential components. A summer hat to keep the sun’s rays off your face. A healthy application…
Plastic in politics: The signs are troubling

Plastic in politics: The signs are troubling

We’re going to take a wild stab in the dark and assume you’re aware there’s an election campaign underway. One of the signs is…all the Corflute signage. Politicians, with some…
The Takeover

The Takeover

Late last year, we launched a one of a kind…
Phantom X HPA img

Phantom X HPA

The streets are ever-evolving, as such Hand Painted Advertising (HPA)…